Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reds & Greens

The suns setting behind the city's silhouette
Your face lit up with lights from the screen
it's not a secret I feel you're falling into me
A silent landing, I'd say, welcome
You've been falling for quite some time
The exit closer than sentences we piece together
and I can only wish to find our escape
Is it fate?
This way we stumbled upon our loneliness
Finding ourselves making sense
Now you're shaking your head no
Because my footsteps inch towards the backlit moon
Quiet waves will punctuate, and I'll get back to you soon
But the unpaved streets call my name
Assuming I should hop a few blocks more
Erase the smeared markings I scraped on your bathroom floor
Now you're looking around and i'm trying to be strong
If I'm wrong, let my absence fade into our favorite song
and I promise to think of you when that song carries on
Is it fate?
How our scrambled words fit together?
That our mistakes somehow made this slip feel better?
Is it fate that I find you to be the most beautiful
In the morning when the suns just peaking through
and the little hairs on your shoulder glow
I almost loved you, you know