Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tell Me You

Close your eyes slowly
and tell me what is in front of you
a road, a stone, a wall..maybe....nothing?
tell me what drives you, inspires you
what grabs you by the mind and drags you
to places you tried so hard, 
to forget, now
tell me....
what is real? what is touchable?
or what is imaginable?
when mountains cover this place
so deep beneath the side walk
which you stumble upon
to find a cross walk that guides you
with man made paint
safely to the other side
a cross walk is a guide, only a guide
a 2 lined white lie
you could do it alone all along
you just never knew it cause
here you were planted
you grew, grew more, then blossomed
fed on a schedule, how were you to know
what you didn't know?
How were you know what laid below?

Finally an eraser
taking away the confusion, making
it disappear, for now you
walk alone
you walk alone
you walk alone
and it's beautiful to see your steps
find their way, even through mistake...
what is most important in life is,
to see life as a gift, not a choice
if you have a voice, raise your voice
if you are given choice, what's your choice?
and question is only a chemistry
just be, just be, just be
what you are naturally
no power is higher than you
unless you allow it
so if you're not happy
dont allow it.
What drives you, inspires you
what grabs you by the mind and drags you
to places you tried so hard, 
to forget, now
tell me....
what is real? what is touchable?
or what is imaginable?
When dreams are all you have to hold
tell me
your name, your real name,  tell me you
tell me everything.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

God Damned It

Well we are the God damned
you thought it was God you said
You thought, well you think too much
Use God as crutch
You name all the stars after
people you thought you knew
Well..that's nothing new
No, that's nothing at all
You have so many cans in the kitchen
unopened but you are starving
It's all God's fault, all God's fault
that it is nothing you asked for at all
We'll we are the God damned
and you are the boat full of too much thinking
and I'd be damned if I save you from sinking
you'll just bring me down too
Your conscience watched the world turn it's back on you
But it is all God's fault, yea it's all God's fault
that you can't move your bones alone
You thought, well you think too much
and it's my fault cause I don't care enough
Well we are all the God damned
and God dammit! God dammit! God damned it...
You thought it was God, you thought
well you think too much, just not enough

Friday, January 22, 2010


And the beaver
continues to builds the dam
the water is willing to stick around.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Simple notes

It's raining outside, it's cold,  it's true
Take a peek into your reflection in the shallow pond beneath you
I hear it singing softly, you are swaying
and Im catching your tears as they leak
if there are words to say,  bury them here to keep
watching the guitar player pluck at his strings
he is picking the notes making ripples in the stream
maybe now is all that is meant to be
a single celled organism growing beautifully
i am a leaf catching every drop as it falls
you hear every word, every hint as i call
your name here you rest your head against mine
the world may be falling apart but this time
I know we'll make it through cause
i have you
So i write this story 
cause i know how it began
and i'll continue writing this story till i know
how it ends
and if it seems the notes the guitar player plays
are out of tune, in June, it's quite soon
I'll always come back for you

Monday, January 11, 2010's about to start...

You are a whispering cell
in the belly of a tiny girl
following threads of shiny silk braids
that grew from the ground and winded up tightly 
through the slow rusting bars on her cage
for certain she knows if she sings in tune 
with a song of a victorious time she once knew
the shape of her body will fall into place
covered in daffodils and malleable clay
you'll mold her into the veins to your heart
place her name where it cant tear apart
follow it down, to a whispering cell
in the belly of a new tiny girl
covered in strings, tied up in thread
connected to wood dancing over her head
held with the thoughts we can not explain
till her tiny bones are your only remains

life is the dream, dreams are the truth
if the sky isn't blue to you then it's true
our bodies are puppets, the earth is our stage
and we are part of the best show ever made

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hollow Bones

We found our way down an avenue
full of broken bricks and shattered glass
and through your slurring words i made
a pact we meant not to take seriously
as the slush we kicked around
smeared it all together,  i fell into
your arms forever to kiss
that swaying promise
but the walls seem to crack and stumble
onto the concrete ground we call captivity 
our center of gravity
buried deep below this ground
i find the roots of where belonging
is the longest journey and 
here you breathe
next to me, faithfully
so beautiful it must be a dream
an illusion from some other time i have 
no right to believe in
when the winds picked up
we swayed in synchronization watching
the birds spread their wings and 
take advantage of the harsh winds
then fly away